Luckily this dont happen every week.. I wonder how those ppl who work like everyday and yet have to cope with school live.. SO... We should be grateful that we are not really required to work to pay for our school and stuffs.. hahaha.. Hmmm.. So u must be wondering what in the world did I do all day.. Let's see.. slept at like 2.30am last nite.. woke up at 9am to play ball till 2pm.. That includes lunch okay.. haha.. Then.. Came home and started playing guitar for like.. 3 hours? hmmm.. Then I called home for like 10 mins.. LOL probably the first time in like a month.. Then then.. Cooked dinner and started watching errr... 模仿秀 on youtube.. hahaha. it's so funny.. Everyone is like trying to be 四大天王.. And when I look at the clock again.. It's already almost 11pm! which means.. My saturday is already coming to an end.. But.. Its a stress free saturday thou.. It's like the only day that I can actually do everything that I wanted to.. =)
oWH..Here are some pictures to err.. reduce the boredom of reading my craps.. haha.. Its our trip to San Franc for LOVE FEST!! wooohooo! haha.. It was totally OUT OF CONTROL!!! hahaha... Too bad we din get to see armin van Buren.. Tickets sold out.. BOOOOO!
Wei! stress free saturday it seems. so jealous la my sat alwaiz got class and so on. sobs. WHR in the world is ur cbox la!!?
LOL.. hmmm.. Yeah! I put all the stress aside!! U should too! errr.. my chatbox is rite there isnt it? hmm.. thats weird..
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