Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Flash backs!

As I was busy doing homework the evening before it was due, I looked through my external HDD to look up for some songs to be played while i deal with all the crappy homeworks. Guess what i found? haha.. A basketball tourney that I took part in years ago.. owh gosh.. how much older have we all grew? hahaha.. I miss the high school days! It was just so much fun. I guess we never did appreciate it enough at that time.. and was always complaining about it. But now.. As time goes by.. I guess we all start to miss it. hahaha.. it is so ironic... Well.. I need to get back to my work now.. It is just a short update... haahha.. actually im thinking of a post everyday.. but it would be so boring .. haha no one would ever visit my blog again.. hahaha.. and it takes time.. ahahha.. so just once in while should do it.. =) Its still chinese new year now but it doesnt feel like it at all.. haha its just like any other weeks or days.. RARH!

p/s: I might be heading back to Malaysia during summer to take some classes back in INTI.. will see how things go.

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