Monday, October 8, 2012

8th October, 2012

It's Monday. Wore blue to work because Monday Blues!

Had a discussion with my uncle regarding his extension of contract. Overall it was pleasant.. At least he wasn't raising his voice or anything.. haha.. I wonder how life will be without him in the company after two months.. HAHAHA.. for better or worse.. It's gonna happen sooner or later..

Found out that Ultramine did not submit the application to TNB for electricity of our new premise.. God damn them! LOL.. So at the moment.. No water, electricity, phone line, internet.. Owhhh.. Which means we will be still stuck in a temporary premise.. Hopefully we can get out soon! hehe..

There's this customer who ordered a staging system from us once.. and they are giving us business again! hurray! haha.. Not that big of an order but something to work on I guess.. And they seemed to like our work.. maybe it's because of how LOW our price is!!? haha.. No idea.. well.. as long as both party's need is satisfied.. So.. the recent order they demanded more!! but must commit to the same price.. Maybe they are just trying to squeeze us for more without increasing price.. At least they are keep their promise of passing contacts to me but we are not exactly specialist in events rental stuffs.. HAHA.. owh well.. it's good to explore...

Owh.. and this theme park company's repair has been dragged for long.. I'm embarrassed.. HAHAHA.. I guess the only option now is to return the unit for them.. Damn u suppliers for failing me!! Arghhh!

Other than that, a few more quotations were sent out and hopefully get some results from them.. wow.. this actually sounds like an informal sales report now.. hmm.. Daily Update of work shld look like this.

Okay.. Now as of business opportunity.. We are still in the midst of waiting for a decision to be made by the product principle.. Which we hope will be something favorable to us.. However, we cannot just wait for things to happen at the time being.. So we were introduced with survival plans.

Here's the survival plans:
1) Seek for other products to market that is not in conflict.
2) Expand/redevelop/revamp the scaffolding business which really needs a lot of expansion of manpower and frontline people.
3) Innovation!! Advice given by Ang.. HAHAHA.. Been pondering on this.. but no breakthru yet.. Any advice would be highly appreciated.

Problems faced:
1) Right person for the right job.. I guess this is most difficult
2) Lack of support from principle.. Or rather how they would support?
3) Lack of direction.. Everything needs consideration before proceeding.. frustrating at times.
4) Lack of determination, teamwork..

TEAMWORK is the key!! Please start developing a TEAM that is so coherent that everyone knows exactly what they are supposed to do and achieve the common goal!